Eventos Científicos

A seguir, estão dispostos alguns eventos com deadline em aberto para encaminhamento de trabalhos.

Deadlines de Eventos Científicos e de Extensão

Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade de Interfaces Humano-Tecnologia
26 a 29 de Maio de 2014, Joinville-SC


Congresso Brasileiro de Eletromiografia e Cinesiologia
15 a 18 de Maio de 2014, João Pessoa-PB

Deadline: 09/03/2014

Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia
16 e 19 de Setembro de 2014, São Carlos-SP

Deadline: 31/03/2014

11º P&D Design
Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design
29 de Setembro a 02 de Outubro de 2014, Gramado-RS

Dealine: 31/03/2014

2º CDU
Congresso de Design UEM
08 a 10 de Outubro de 2014, Cianorte-PR

Deadline: 30/05/2014

Conferência Internacional em Design e Artes Gráficas
22 a 24 de Outubro de 2014, Lisboa-Portugal

Deadline: 05/03/2014

HFES 2014
International Annual Meeting
27 a 31 de Outubro de 2014, Chicago, Illinois

Deadline: 03/03/2014


Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção
10 a 12 de novembro de 2014, Bauru-SP

Deadline: 29/06/2014

Deadlines de Revistas Científicas

Ergonomics in Design (ISSN 1064-8046): publicações em janeiro, abril, julho e outubro
Gepros (ISSN 1984-2430): fluxo contínuo
Revista Assentamentos Humanos (ISSN 1517-7432): publicação anual
Sistemas e Gestão (ISSN 1980-5160 e indexado no DOAJ): 3 publicações anuais
The International Journal of Art & Design Education: 3 publicações anuais
Work - A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation (ISSN 1051-9815, DOI, Impact Factor 0,747):  fluxo contínuo

Periódicos Científicos
[ An assessment system for rating scientific journals in the field of ergonomics and human factors ]  
Jan Dul and Waldemar Karwowski

Journal Rating . Description
A . ISI journal with relatively high impact factor
B . ISI journal with relatively low impact factor
C . Non-ISI, refereed, scientific journal
P . Journal that is primarily meant for professionals and non-scientific readership.

Rating . Ergonomics journals

1. Applied Ergonomics (0.672)
2. Ergonomics (0.556)
3. Human Factors (0.723)

1. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (0.354)
2. Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing (0.188)
3. Le Travail Humain (0.355)

1. International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics
2. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
3. Japanese Journal of Ergonomics
4. Occupational Ergonomics
5. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science
6. Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie
7. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft
8. Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie

1. Ergonomia (Italy)
2. Ergonomia (Poland)
3. Ergonomics (Australia)
4. Ergonomics in Design
5. Ergonomics International
6. Ergonomics (New Zealand)
7. Ergonomics (South Africa)
8. Ergonomist
9. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Bulletin
10. Workplace Ergonomics

Rating . Related journals

1. ACM Computing Surveys (0.641, 7)
2. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (2.036, 10)
3. American Journal of Industrial Medicine (1.305, 31)
4. Annals of Occupational Hygiene (1.222, 6)
5. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (1.371, 7)
6. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine (0.690, 28)
7. Behaviour and Information Technology (0.603, 20)
8. Clinical Biomechanics (1.257, 13)
9. Computers & Education (0.571, 5)
10. Computers & Industrial Engineering (0.391, 6)
11. European Journal of Applied Physiology (1.261, 7)
12. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A (0.582, 5)
13. Intelligent Transport Systems Journal (0.414, 5)
14. Interacting with Computers (0.561, 10)
15. International Journal of Production Research (0.438, 8)
16. Journal of Biomechanics (1.856, 6)
17. Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques – Part A (1.069, 7)
18. Journal of Manipalutive and Physiological Therapeutics (0.839, 6)
19. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (1.452, 19)
20. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation (0.595, 15)
21. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (0.794, 7)
22. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (1.973, 10)
23. Presence-Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (1.544, 7)
24. Reliability Engineering & Systems Safety (0.545, 10)
25. Safety Science (0.609, 13)
26. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Environmental Health (1.590, 19)
27. Spine (1.853, 15)
28. Surgical Endoscopy (2.374, 30)

1. Aerospace Engineering (0.045,5)
2. AIHAJ (0.241,6)
3. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal (0.685, 10)
4. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (0.514, 5)
5. ATW-Internationale Zeitschrift für Kernenergie (0.020, 5)
6. Collegium Antropologicum (0.414, 7)
7. Contempory psychology (-, 5)
8. Cyberpsychology & Behavior (-, 5)
9. Diplays (0.443, 14)
10. IIE Solutions ( -, 27)
11. Industrial Health (0.741, 10)
12. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health (0.924, 15)
13. International Journal of Aviation Psychology (0.609, 7)
14. International Journal of Human-Computer-Interaction (0.359, 12)
15. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (0.471, 15)
16. International Journal of Vehicle Design (0.190, 7)
17. Journal of Clinical and Monitoring and Computing (-, 10)
18. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management ASCE (0.254, 5)
19. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology (1.145, 7)
20. Journal of Navigation (0.102, 16)
21. Journal of Occupational Health (0.935, 6)
22. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (0.415, 13)
23. Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies (0.393, 12)
24. Occupational Medicine – Oxford (0.533, 12)
25. Orthopade (0.434, 5)
26. Perceptual and Motor Skills (0.271, 6)
27. Process safety progress (0.247, 5)
28. Revista de Saude Publica (0.134, 5)
29. Transport Research Record (0.038, 10)
30. Workforce (-, 6)

Rating . Basic Journals

1. Academy of Management Journal (2.831)
2. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (1.200)
3. ACM Transactions on Graphics (1.880)
4. Acta Psychologica (1.330)
5. Adaptive Behavior (1.333)
6. Age and Ageing (1.665)
7. Annals of Human Biology (0.926)
8. Applied Cognitive Psychology (1.040)
9. Biological Rhythm Research (0.915)
10. British Journal of Psychology (1.219)
11. British Journal of Sports Medicine (1.032)
12. Cognitive Psychology (3.711)
13. Cognitive Science (2.436)
14. Color Research and Application (1.059)
15. Communications of the ACM (2.238)
16. Computer (1.062)
17. Connection Science (0.964)
18. Cortex (1.204)
19. Ecological Psychology (1.028)
20. ESA Bulletin (2.889)
21. Gait and Posture (1.755)
22. Gerontologist (1.771)
23. Human Movement Science (0.988)
24. IBM Journal of Research and Development (2.560)
25. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (0.968)
26. IEEE Intelligent Systems & Their Applications (1.118)
27. IEEE Micro (1.186)
28. IEEE Spectrum (1.145)
29. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (1.525)
30. Information Processing & Management (1.877)
31. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems (0.905)
32. International Journal of Robotics Research (1.045)
33. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity (1.021)
34. Journal of Applied Physiology (2.581)
35. Journal of Applied Psychology (1.976)
36. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (1.551)
37. Journal of Biological Rhythms (2.695)
38. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied (1.062)
39. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (4.057)
40. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (2.498)
41. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning. Memory. and Cognition (2.021)
42. Journal of Gerontology. Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences (1.898)
43. Journal of Gerontology. Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences (1.594)
44. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 0.886
45. Journal of Organisational Behavior (1.156)
46. Journal of Organisational Behavior Management (1.176)
47. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (1.595)
48. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (1.440)
49. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science (1.521)
50. Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine (1.909)
51. Memory (1.841)
52. Motor Control (1.325)
53. Perception (1.310)
54. Perception & Psychophysics (1.492)
55. Psychological Assessment (1.875)
56. Psychological Bulletin (6.807)
57. Psychological Methods (2.074)
58. Psychological Review (5.756)
59. Psychological Science (2.766)
60. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review (1.722)
61. Psychophysiology (3.035)
62. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section A: Human Experimental Psychology (2.416)
63. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (2.342)
64. Risk Analysis (1.791)
65. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (1.101)
66. Sports Medicine (2.189)
67. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (1.254)
68. Trends in Cognitive Sciences (11.606)
69. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (1.941)
70. Vision Research (2.013)
71. Work and Stress (1.585)

1. Accident Analysis & Prevention (0.754)
2. American Journal of Psychology (0.673)
3. Applied Artificial Intelligence (0.672)
4. Applied Psychology: An International Review (0.762)
5. Australian Journal of Psychology (0.404)
6. B T Technology Journal (0.168)
7. Behavior Research Methods. Instruments. & Computers (0.872)
8. Computer Graphics (0.163)
9. Computer Graphics Forum (0.631)
10. Computer Journal (0.323)
11. Computer Languages (0.188)
12. Computers & Graphics (0.462)
13. Computers in Human Behavior (0.727)
14. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications (0.275)
15. Disability and Rehabilitation (0.683)
16. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology (0.800)
17. GEC Review (0.067)
18. Group and Organization Management (0.730)
19. Heavy Vehicle Systems. International Journal of Vehicle Design (0.045)
20. Human Performance (0.633)
21. Human Relations (0.858)
22. IBM Systems Journal (0.729)
23. IEEE MultiMedia (0.507)
24. IEEE Software (0.840)
25. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (0.771)
26. IEEE Transactions on Systems. Man. and Cybernetics. Part B: Cybernetics (0.789)
27. IEEE Transactions on Systems. Man. and Cybernetics. Part C: Applications and Reviews (0.670)
28. IIE Transactions (0.303)
29. Industrial Management & Data Systems (0.221)
30. Information and Software Technology (0.257)
31. Information Society (0.735)
32. Information Systems Journal (0.250)
33. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (0.341)
34. International Journal of Manpower (0.149)
35. International Journal of Operations & Production Management (0.638)
36. International Journal of Psychology (0.474)
37. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research (0.358)
38. International Journal of Selection and Assessment (0.667)
39. International Labour Review (0.694)
40. Journal of Applied Biomechanics (0.311)
41. Journal of General Psychology (0.510)
42. Journal of Information Technology (0.545)
43. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (0.298)
44. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (0.449)
45. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology (0.527)
46. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain (0.662)
47. Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology (0.855)
48. Journal of Organisational Change Management (0.250)
49. Journal of Psychology (0.491)
50. Journal of Safety Research (0.400)
51. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (0.574)
52. Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society (0.047)
53. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (0.431)
54. Military Psychology (0.595)
55. Multimedia Tools and Applications (0.234)
56. New Technology. Work and Employment (0.800)
57. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics (0.795)
58. Production Planning & Control (0.224)
59. Psychological Reports (0.277)
60. Psychologist (0.258)
61. Research in Engineering Design (0.405)
62. Robotica (0.346)
63. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (0.456)
64. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (0.427)
65. South African Journal of Psychology (0.245)
66. Speech Communication (0.446)
67. Strength and Conditioning (0.302)
68. Transport Reviews (0.182)
69. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (0.531)
70. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (0.171)
71. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (0.778)